Friday, July 16, 2010

Guess who's back?

Back again? Penny's back! Tell a friend! Guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back, guess who's back. LOL - I woke up with that song in my head and decided to work it into this post today. I always wake up with random songs in my head, I find it odd actually - but sometimes it is uplifting because I will start singing to myself as I get ready! Anyway, this was definitely ironic because Penny's mommy, Samantha, is a big Eminem fan so what are the chances that I wake up with that song in my head the day I am blogging about her dog?!

Anyway I had another shoot with Penny at her 5 month birthday! Penny's first shoot went really well and this one was even better because she has had all her shots and and is allowed outside! I am starting to really LOVE pet photography too by the way. It is a real challenge, especially shooting little hyper puppies but I really enjoy it and am loving this set so much! Penny is so fun to be around and it's cute to see her running here and there and biting on on the cuff's of Sam's pants, picking up one toy, then dropping it and immediately picking up another one, etc. I think she finally tired out at the end and settled in for a few portraits with her mommy! Much love to Sammy and Penny!
